NWP Grant Process Calendar Month-by-Month
Outreach Committee hosts an informational Symposium for all interested nonprofits. Invitations
will be posted on the NWP website.
Scheduled mini-sessions will be held to respond to nonprofit questions related to the Impact
Grant Application.
Grant Applications are due to the Outreach Committee (OC) via email.
Grant Applications will be reviewed for NWP’s base criteria. Organizations will be contacted for
clarifications where necessary. Those moving forward in the grant process are informed by the
committee chairs.
The Grant Screening Committee (GSC) reviews Grant Applications and votes to move a number
of applications onto the Document Packet (“Doc Pac) Phase. Agencies that move forward are
asked to provide additional documentation on their agency and project.
GSC “Doc Pac Teams” form to evaluate the documentation further.
Doc Pac Teams submit additional questions to applicants, as needed. Applicants respond.
GSC members vote to move a reduced number of applications on to Site Interviews.
Site Interviews are conducted with remaining nonprofit agencies regarding their proposed
GSC selects two (2) finalists for the grant year. One alternate is also notified.
Selected agencies meet with GSC chairs and sign finalist agreement documents.
Agencies prepare Final Proposal Documents due to GSC chairs for distribution to NWP members.
NWP members cast ballots to determine grant recipients.
Votes are tallied and the selected agency is informed. The runner up receives the Founders Gift.
Members and past grant recipients attend Grant Celebration Luncheon to share progress of
grant projects.
View Grant Process